Sep 12Author

Robert Reich-Instead of the word “regulation,” substitute the word “protection.” These guardrails protect us from unsafe products, dangerous workplaces, harmful foods, unsafe drugs, fraud, monopolization, unfair labor practices, and environmental hazards.

When Trump (and Musk) equate regulations with waste or inefficiency, what they’re really saying is that big corporations ought to be able to wreak as much harm on the public as they want, if doing so enlarges their profits.

Obviously, Trump’s corporate backers couldn’t be happier.

The Supreme Court, now dominated by Republican appointees, has already been doing the bidding of big corporations seeking to quash regulations. Its June 28 ruling Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo, which should have received far more attention that it did, ended the 40-year-old precedent of what’s called “Chevron deference.”

What this means is that from now on, rather than deferring to the expertise of expert agencies on how to interpret ambiguous language in laws, federal judges have the power to decide what a law means for themselves. Despite not being accountable to the people, judges will be able to expand their role into the realm of policymaking.

You can bet that big corporations will “forum shop” for judges that will minimize any and all public protections that prevent big corporations from maximizing their profits.

“In one fell swoop, the majority today gives itself exclusive power over every open issue — no matter how expertise-driven or policy-laden — involving the meaning of regulatory law,” wrote Justice Elena Kagan in her dissent from the ruling. “As if it did not have enough on its plate, the majority turns itself into the country’s administrative czar.”

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Sep 12Author

To Robert, indeed😟

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Isn’t it funny that when you dig into the facts you find out what a liar Trump is. Germany is advancing their green energy agenda while we are still struggling to get some agreement on whether Trump incited a mob to attack the Capitol on Jan. 6th. Right now Congress is loaded with idiots who continue to support this nonsense!

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Sep 12Author

Indeed, IDIOTS, in all caps, time to take the garbage out, starting with their dear leader, fascist Trump

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Trump doesn't care if what he said was true, just that he makes the statement. He is a fool, let by fools who have money and want power.

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Sep 12Author

You have heard the saying, absolute power corrupts

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